Wednesday, December 6, 2006

What Not To Do On A Transatlantic Flight

I love my notebook computer, a Mac Powerbook G4, and I use it everywhere I go, and understand only too well how other notebook users love being able to do their work (or blog!) from anywhere - even on a plane.

Unlike the person I photographed here sitting across the isle from me on my flight to Amsterdam, however, I am always conscious of others around me. I took this photo because while everyone, well nearly everyone, on the plane was trying to sleep, this man was lighting up the cabin with his Dell. He didn't seem to mind the fact that anyone and everyone could see what he was doing. In this case, putting together what looked like a very boring powerpoint presentation. As boring as it was, however, the glare from the screen, and his painstakingly slow key pecking, kept me awake.

Note to self: Don't use my Mac on a transatlantic flight when others are trying to sleep!

Go to to see the subject matter of the boring PowerPoint

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny that you mention people "working" on computers in public. I saw a Dad at Aron's karate studio on his Blackberry and I could have read his "work" if I'd wanted to. Guess some peeps are not worried about privacy!