Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Spirit in Eindhoven

I'm back in Eindhoven after a pleasant trip to Zeeland, and returning to find no internet connection at my flat until last night.

They certainly get into the spirit of things here. Before I left for Zeeland I noticed a curious structure being erected in the town square. I wasn't sure what it was, but thought it was probably something for the Christmas holidays.When I returned I found it was a fully fledged indoor ice skating rink. Apparently that is something of a national tradition in the Netherlands, and most towns have an ice skating rinkWhat's really impressive, at least to me, is the professionalism of the way the rink was put together. It is huge, well lit, and obviously purpose built. It even has its own bar and cafe.

But Eindhoveners aren't apparently satisfied with merely following national tradition with an admittedly superb ice skating rink, they also installed a ski slope!

It's immediately outside the Piazza (see the first post in this blog) and has about a 100 feet of snow to fall and break your neck on. There's a snow making machine to keep the snow fresh and not too icy.

Despite the attraction of both features, I'm not rushing to break my leg, neck or both on either the piste or the ice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And don't forget: Eindhoven has the largest (real) Christmas tree of the Netherlands. It's the one on the Septemberplein, close to the snowramp.